What a Neck Lift Can Do For You

 In General

Gravity often plays a tremendous part in deciding to undergo a neck lift. As the skin beneath the chin begins to loosen and droop, often people decide that they are no longer satisfied when they peer into the mirror at their reflection. This drooping is the result not only of gravity but also of aging and weight loss. Skin loses elasticity over time, yet this can also occur when a person loses weight too quickly, not giving skin the required time to adjust to the sudden loss of volume. For some, this sagging is the only real sign of aging that they face, and a neck lift can be a modern, effective method of regaining the look and feel of youth.

What Is A Neck Lift?

A neck lift, sometimes referred to as platysmaplasty or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat in the area under the chin and along the jawline. It can also smooth out the lines caused by the platysma muscles that vertically cause banding along the neck. The surgeon will create a smooth, flattering neck that will improve the profile, creating a younger-looking silhouette. The procedure is done under a general anesthetic and the surgeon makes tiny incisions to perform the surgery.

Who Qualifies for A Neck Lift?

The best patients will be those who are non-smokers. Healthy people without any serious medical conditions are also likely to be qualified to undergo this kind of plastic surgery. It is also vital that those looking to have a neck lift procedure be realistic with their expectations. A neck lift will not address any issues above the chin, and will not give results in any other area. The best candidates will be those who do not need a full facelift procedure, and who are already happy with their overall appearance.

How Long is Recovery?

For most patients, it is possible to return to normal activities within two weeks. For those who are very physically active, it may take upwards of four weeks to fully resume sports and other vigorous activities. The results, if proper skincare is used, can be expected to last up to fifteen years. Talk to our plastic surgeon in Arizona to see if neck lift surgery is right for your needs.

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