Need a Consultation on Breast Implants?
Breast implants are medical devices that restore the size and shape of a woman’s breasts after breast cancer surgery, mastectomy, or pregnancy. They are made from a smooth, round shell or a textured one, which helps the implant stick to the breast tissue. They are filled with a gel that is either silicone or saline. The saline version is more stable and less likely to rupture than the silicone one.
Breast implants are designed to give women the fullness and femininity they had before. They are inserted through an incision, usually in the armpit or belly button. Most patients recover within a few weeks, though bruising and soreness can remain. During recovery, patients should avoid lifting heavy objects or strenuous exercise. This will help the swelling subside over the next few weeks.
Breast augmentation is usually performed by a plastic surgeon. To find one, look for a surgeon who is licensed and registered with the GMC. Also, check the hospital’s registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Before having the surgery, discuss your expectations with the doctor. Ask about his or her safety record and surgical experience.
Breast implants are filled with saline or silicone. The saline version is easier to detect if it breaks. However, they have a higher rupture rate than the silicone version. If the saline implants break, they will often show some rippling and folds. The surgeon will determine the best implant size for your particular body type.
When choosing the shape of your implants, consider the size of your rib cage, the depth of your breastbone, and the amount of skin you have. This will determine the profile of the breast. If you have a narrow shoulder, you might want to have a high profile implant. Alternatively, you may prefer a moderate plus profile.
Most patients who have breast augmentation surgery can expect to have their stitches removed in six to eight weeks. The surgeon will measure your height and weight to determine the right size for your body. It’s a good idea to avoid strenuous activity for at least a month after your operation. Some surgeons also recommend wearing a sports bra for 24 hours a day for up to three months.
Once you’ve had your surgery, the doctor will remove the stitches and begin to fade the incision. Your chest muscles will be sore for a few days. You might be able to take prescribed pain medication. It’s a good idea to have an appointment with a primary care physician who understands cosmetic surgery.
Once the stitches have been removed, you can start to feel comfortable with your new breasts. You can do light exercise and sunbathe, but do not do anything too strenuous for at least a month. Your surgeon will let you know when you can return to your daily activities. You should see a significant improvement in the appearance of your breasts after a few months. During this time, you should avoid any activities that could irritate your breasts or cause them to swell.