How to Lose Extra Weight Fast, Why Liposuction works
With a new decade beginning, getting in shape and living a healthier lifestyle sits high on just everyone’s resolution list. But even with the best intentions, there are times when working out and eating a healthy diet simply aren’t enough. While some patients do experience weight loss, others can’t seem to lose the extra weight.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted areas of fatty deposits. Liposuction can be performed in combination with other cosmetic procedures or alone. Depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals and medical history, patients can choose from laser-assisted lipo, ultrasound-assisted or tumescent liposuction.
Benefits of Liposuction
Liposuction is very effective in treating areas of stubborn fat. Most often, patients have difficulty losing the fat in the abdomen, hips, back of arms, waist and buttocks. Liposuction removes the extra fat, giving the patient a slimmer, more contoured appearance.
Liposuction can also boost confidence levels and self-esteem, especially when traditional ways of weight reduction don’t work. Patients who undergo liposuction feel better about themselves, are more inclined to continue with their physical fitness regimen and usually have a more positive outlook. Keep in mind that patients do need to be deemed suitable candidates for liposuction.
Realistic Expectations
As with any type of cosmetic procedure, patients must have realistic expectations. While liposuction is highly effective in removing unwanted fatty deposits, which are resistant to diet and exercise, it cannot tighten a tummy that after childbirth. In addition, you can regain weight after having liposuction.
To maintain results, patients must continue to exercise regularly and follow a low-fat diet. Finally, liposuction is not recommended for patients who are morbidly obese. Suitable candidates must be close to their target weight and follow a healthy lifestyle.
If you’ve been considering liposuction but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, contact Ciao Bella Plastic Surgery. Together, we’ll help your reach your aesthetic goals