3 Differences Between Microdermabrasion and Dermaplaning in Scottsdale

 In General

Are you having trouble deciding between microdermabrasion and dermaplaning? You are not alone.

Has this ever been you? You’re having a dull day at work. You are struck with a brilliant idea and decide to get a quick skin pick-me-up at your favorite plastic surgeon in Scottsdale.

Normally, at this point of your day, you’d be deciding which type of protein you want with your salad, but today you find yourself deciding between microdermabrasion or dermaplaning. This is supposed to be quick, fun and easy, right? And we all know it’s even harder to make a decision when you are hungry.

Both of these non-surgical procedures are famous for being fast, painless, 30-minute skin perks with little to no downtime. Both procedures are perfect lunch break treatment choices that will leave you arriving back to your office glowing and invigorated.

As a matter of fact, it seems both microdermabrasion and dermaplaning share so many benefits that you end up choosing one at random just to save time. Does it really matter?
We are here to help you clarify.

Before we explain the difference between microdermabrasion and dermaplaning, here is a quick overview of what they have in common.

  • Both procedures physically exfoliate the skin. This means they are mechanical modalities as opposed to acidic or enzymatic
  • Both procedures instantly reveal a newer layer of skin, leaving you with a smoother, more refined complexion

Here are 3 main differences between microdermabrasion and dermaplaning.

  • Dermaplaning removes peach fuzz and vellus hair. Microdermabrasion does not
  • Dermaplaning uses a blade to penetrate the epidermis more deeply, sometimes affecting as deep as the dermal layer and therefore needs to be performed by a doctor or medical aesthetician licensed to work under the umbrella of a doctor. This also means dermaplaning is more effective at treating hyperpigmentation and is performed less frequently
  • Microdermabrasion involves suction and therefore can be all-the-more inappropriate for clients with diabetes or more prone to bruising or broken capillaries

So we squeezed a little bit extra information into our second bullet point. We couldn’t resist.

Whichever procedure you choose, remember to wear your physical sunscreen and follow your plastic surgeon in Phoenix & Scottsdale’s  post-care guidelines. We look forward to seeing you!

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